The creator of the very first seasons of American Airgunner, which aired on Sportsman Channel in 2008 and 2009 and a couple of episodes in 2010, began his career path as a carpenter and cabinetmaker in a small family-run business in Brooklyn, NY. Paul Capello took those skills and began a journey into the world of film-making as a special effects artist and prop builder. He then went on to achieve worldwide recognition as a custom computer designer. Calling upon his talents as a model maker, he transformed personal computers into works of modern art, and wrote the book “The MaximumPC Guide to Extreme PC Mods.”
Today, Paul records, edits, and publishes Airgun Reporter in which he reviews all aspects of an airgun. His straightforward testing and voice over style takes millions of viewers on guided tours of many of todays airguns.
You’ll see many Airgun Reporter episodes as you browse the airguns at Pyramyd Air Airgun Mall as well as in our Airgun Reviews Playlist on YouTube.