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Airgunner Zombie Challenge & Targets

In the world of the “undead”, you have to be prepared for anything.

In episode 10 of American Airgunner, a custom night course was set up with a multitude of Zombie animals, supplied by Birchwood Casey as well as others acquired from Zombie Industries. Rob and Duke practiced at dusk with the Beretta Cx4 Storm prior to shooting in this Airgunner Challenge elimination round. Each contestant was allowed to put as many magazines as they felt they needed to become comfortable with the Beretta pellet gun. It was equipped with a Walther FLR 650 Laser/Flashlight (as known as the Nightforce) and a Walther  Flashlight and remote grip. It’s powered by an 88g CO2 capsule.

Rob and Duke were sequestered. They were not allowed to see the course ahead of time, except for the 45 seconds they were given, just before their start time, to study the course from a distance. Rob, who shot the course after Duke, was not allowed to watch Duke shoot the course. There were five Cx4 belt-style magazines on the course, four of them were pre-loaded. One on the first barrel at the beginning of the course where the Cx4 was staged and four others. Of the five magazines, one of the magazines on the course was not loaded with pellets (right magazine in picture on this page). Both contestants were told to “check your magazines” before stepping onto the course and again at the course starting point. Both had the same magazines staged on the same barrels in the same configurations.

Airgun Zombie Targets:
Darkotic Targets

Zombie Links:
Center for Disease Control and Prevention—Zombie Outbreak Preparedness 

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